Professor ma obtained his bachelor of science degree from west china union university in 1947 and his ph . d . from the university of leeds in 1955 马教授于一九四七年在四川华西大学取得理学士学位,一九五五年于英国里兹大学获哲学博士学位。
New research from the university of leeds has shown how eating more fibre - particularly cereal fibre - reduces the risk of developing breast cancer among pre - menopausal women 来自利兹大学一项研究表明食用较多的纤维素尤其是谷类纤维可以减少绝经前妇女患乳腺癌的风险。
She holds a bachelor of science degree in computational science with statistics from the university of leeds in the united kingdom and is a member of the british computer society in the u . k 罗氏持有英国利兹大学电脑科学及统计学理学士学位,亦为英国电脑学会british computer society会员。